mercoledì 12 settembre 2018

Pesanti ingerenze pro-choice contro nomina Brett Kavanaugh for the Supreme Court

Il sito Fox news riporta che i pro-choice americani stanno cercando di condizionare il voto di una senatrice contro la nomina di Brett Kavanaugh alla Supreme Court.

A crowdfunding campaign has raised over $1 million as of Tuesday for the opponent of Senator Susan Collins, R-Maine, if she votes to confirm Brett Kavanaugh for the Supreme Court, a move she likened to bribery.
Liberal activist groups have posted the campaign on the platform Crowdpac, drawing supporters and critics.

“Senator Collins votes NO on Kavanaugh and you will not be charged, and no money will go to fund her future opponent,” the platform wrote. “Senator Collins votes YES on Kavanaugh and your pledge will go to her opponent's campaign, once that opponent has been identified.”

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